Host Family Program

Become a Spearfish Sasquatch Host Family

Sasquatch Host Family Program

Our host family program gives our great fans a unique opportunity to get to know our players on a deeper level. Host families play a valuable role for the Sasquatch by providing players a place to call home for the summer. Our players have a hectic schedule that will have them playing nearly 60 games in less than 70 days. Half of those games will be away games. Needless to say, when the team gets home and off the bus, they are ready for a place to lay their heads. Host families provide a place to sleep, do laundry, a hot shower, an occasional home cooked meal, and a place to call home for the summer.

Many of these players will move on from Independence League Baseball and play at the next level. Players may move onto the minor league systems and hopefully onto Major League Baseball. Many times these players will keep in touch with their host families as they progress throughout their career. How great would it be to possibly host a future major league player in your home?


    Being a host family comes with many benefits, including:

    • 2 season tickets for hosting one player. Or, 5 season tickets for hosting two or more . 
    • 25% discount on Merchandise 
    • 10% discount on Concessions
    • Exclusive Host Family BBQ & Events
    • Provide the player(s) with their own bed.
    • Provide the player with what your expectations are. Explain to them your “House Rules”. They are your guest, and have been instructed to adhere to what your rules are for your house.  They are expecting to have this conversation with you.
    • Provide basic food for your player. Easy “grab and go” items work well like bread, lunchmeat, peanut butter, milk, cereal, fruit, etc. An occasional home-cooked dinner with the family is also a nice treat for the player. Players know that they are ultimately responsible for their own meals, but we do ask that host families provide some basics if they are able. 
    • Provide a place for the player to do laundry. Players will be responsible to do their own laundry and will need to wash their uniforms upon completion of their games.
    • Please interact with your player! Many host families and players develop lifelong relationships!

    Player Expectations:

    • Keep their room clean. Players are held responsible for any damage done while staying in your home.
    • Provide their own personal care items
    • Pay for their own expenses.
    • Maintain minimum noise levels while in your home. Be aware, players will be arriving home from road trips late at night / early morning. Please be aware that certain circumstances may arise which may result in players arriving after midnight.

    Be respectful, courteous and helpful to the host family.


    Many players will drive their own cars upon arriving to Spearfish. Others will be flying in to Rapid City. We ask that you coordinate with your player on how they will be getting to town. If your player happens to be flying to town, we ask that you are able to pick them up from Rapid City Regional Airport. It is your responsibility to coordinate this with your player. If you need help with this, let us know.


    Most of the players are under 21 years of age. If you do have a player that is over 21, please be direct and clear as to what your “house rules” are regarding alcohol.


Please be aware that the player is a guest in the host family’s home. The host family is opening their home to the player. The player MUST respect ALL house rules and wishes of the host family.

  • Food arrangements. Host families will provide basic food needs (fruit, milk, cereal, bread, sandwich items, dinner, etc)
  • Late night arrivals. Where to enter? Keys? Parking? Late night showers?
  • House rules regarding guests. What does the host family request? Friends spending the night? Female guests? Host family sets these rules and player will comply with the host family’s wishes.
  • Laundry usage. Certain times of day that will work.
  • House rules for when host family is out of town.
  • House rules regarding alcohol.
  • Any other requests that the host family wishes to convey to the player?

Host families will host a player for approximately 10 weeks from late May to early August. Although we recommend 2 players per host family, we understand that this may not be feasible. We are looking for host families to commit to an entire season. Please be aware that some players may only be able to play a partial season and some may need to leave early for commitments with their schooling.

The level of player that you would be hosting has ambitious goals to play Major League Baseball. You are a major part of their success as they pursue their dreams. The more comfortable you make their “home” life, the better their performance is on the ball diamond. Most of these players will be monitored by their current college coaches on their performance within Independence League Baseball both on and off the field. These players are recruited through their respective college coaches. As members of these teams, they are held to an extremely high standards by their current college coaches.

All players who play within Independence League Baseball have signed a Code of Conduct as part of their contract. We expect all players to maintain the highest standards, abide by NCAA guidelines and be a role model for the city and youth of Spearfish. If any player’s actions do not meet the standards of Independence League Baseball or the Spearfish Sasquatch Baseball Club, they will be removed from the league and will return to their home. We believe that living in a family’s home is a privilege that the players must respect.

If you want to take advantage of this meaningful opportunity, please fill out the Host Family Application below.

We genuinely appreciate your interest in this aspect of the team. Without you, it would not be possible for summer collegiate baseball to be in Spearfish. We look forward to seeing you at the ballpark and expect many great memories to be created and treasured for years to come. 

Host Family Application

Host Family / Parents Name

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